Florida Water Environment Association

Calendar of Events

October 2022
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Events available for Registration...

Operations Challenge Sponsorships 2024-2025
5/1/2024 - 11/1/2024
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West Coast Chapter 2024-2025 Sponsorship
5/1/2024 - 9/30/2024
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Manasota Chapter Sponsorship 2024
5/26/2024 - 1/31/2025
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FWEA Southwest Chapter FY24/25 Gold Sponsor
5/28/2024 - 12/31/2024
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24th Annual FWEA Central Florida Chapter Scholarship Golf Tournament

Online Registration has closed for this event

Effective Utility Management Workshop
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Southeast Chapter - Coastal Cleanup
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FWEA Southwest & FSAWWA Region V 23rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament
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Central Florida Chapter Orlando City Soccer Game
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FWEA Southwest Chapter Fall Dinner Meeting
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West Coast Chapter Quarterly Luncheon
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FWEA Central FLorida Chapter & Region lll FSAWWA Utility Round Table
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Treasure Coast and FPCOA Beach Bash & BBQ
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FWEA Collections Committee Sponsorship
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FWEA CFC - 2024 Annual Beach Cleanup
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FWEA Southwest Chapter S&YP / FWPCOA Region 8 Estero River Kayak Outing
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West Coast Chapter 2025 Florida Water Festival
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Events in the month of October 2022
FSAWWA Region VI & FWEA SE Chapter invite you to the Best Tasting Water Contest and 3rd Annual Utilities CIP Night.
Utilities: $40
Consultants and Vendors: $50
Students: $25
Register with the FSAWWA Website.
10/8/2022 - 10/12/2022
95th Annual Technical Exhibition & Conference

Conference: October 8-12, 2022
Exhibition: October 10-12, 2022

Meetings are held either in person or virtually.  FWEA Utility Council Members have access to meeting call in details.
Come hear the state of the utility address from our local utility leaders: 
  • Ed Torres, M.S., P.E., LEED AP, Orange County Utilities Director
  • Corey Knight, P.E., City of Orlando Director of Public Works
  • Jennifer Spagnoli, P.E., City of Melbourne Assistant Utilities Director
  • Junos Reed, P.E., City of Port Orange Engineering and Construction Manager
  • Hillary Weber, Pinellas County Acting Director of Utilities
Registration includes lunch:
$25 for members, $30 for non-members
After 10/11 registration cost increases to $30 for members and $35 for non-members

FWEA CFC and FSAWWA Region III sponsors are able to redeem two complimentary registration tickets

This training will provide tips and tools for volunteer leaders. We will cover information related to FWEA membership. 
FWEA Treasure Coast Chapter and FSAWWA Region VIII 16th Annual Charity Gof Tournament