The Utilities Management Committee, or UMC, works to promote efficiency and excellence in utility management. Committee members include representatives from utilities, manufacturer representatives, and consulting. UMC is an active committee, providing educational outreach in the form of workshops, like the management workshops, and though numerous vehicles such as webinars and working with other committees. If our interests sound like your interests, we'd love for you to join us!
Monthly committee meetings are held by conference call, please contact Elizabeth Keddy for dates, agendas, or to just get involved!
Our Mission
To advance continuous quality improvement in utility businesses through customer focus, organizational leadership, strategic planning, process improvement, rewards and recognition, and employee engagement/development to create operating excellence results.
Committee Goals
- Create an awareness of the need to pursue and measure continuous quality improvement.
- Provide education to advance customer satisfaction in utilities, engineering, and manufacturing businesses.
- Promote participation in AWWA Utility Quality Programs (QualServe), the Florida Benchmarking Consortium (FBC), and the Florida Sterling Council.
- Promote utility management programs such as Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and ISO 14001 certification.
- Cultivate regulatory benefits for utility organizational excellence.
- Recognize world-class utility performance excellence.