The Florida Water Environment Association is proud to announce the 2nd West Coast Chapter Florida Water Festival to be held on April 10, 2016 at the Water Works Park in Downtown Tampa from 1 pm to 5 pm. This free event is designed to educate the public at large of the importance of protecting our water resources. Raffle Prizes will be given throughout the day. You can learn more about the Festival at the website below.
Plan to bring your family to this activity-filled event, and please remember to tell all of your friends about this fun and educational event for all ages. Activities include a Walk for Water, Live Music, Food Trucks, interactive demonstrations on Water Quality Sampling and Testing, and water saving tips and tools, just to name a few. There will also be a Student Design Competition featuring students from local schools.
Prize donors will gain a high degree of visibility with event attendees, including numerous community and corporate leaders, and with Florida Water Festival supporters and volunteers, who receive our email communications and frequent our Web page. Donors also receive outstanding marketing and public relations opportunities. In addition, your sponsorship may be tax deductible (FWEA is a 501(c)(3) organization).
$250 – The sponsorship includes recognition on webpage, announcement at event. If donated before March 25th, recognition will be made on promotional materials at the event including t-shirts and signs.
$400 – The sponsorship includes all the above in addition to having the opportunity to set-up an exhibit at the event that provides the community with resources or information that educates them about water.