This seminar will be hosted in Boca Raton. It will be another exciting lineup of Water Resources, Reuse, and Resilience topics in Florida and around the world!
Presentations include the following:
Climate Adaptation Master Plan and Pure Water Southern California
Piloting Ozon-treatment Wetlands for Regional Water Reuse in North Florida
Miami-Dade WASD's Innovative and Radical Approach to Water Reuse
SWFWMD Resiliency
One Water Approach and Tools to Defend against Climate Change Impacts
Innovate Implementation of Water Reuse Strategies at Miami Zoo
South Florida Panel Discussion
Regulatory Updates
This seminar aims to educate the audience on current technical and regulatory issues associated with potable and non-potable reuse. This includes discussing current experiences, spreading awareness on water supply planning, and hearing about broader beneficial reuse programs around the world. This information is valuable to utilities, consultants, manufacturers, contractors, and the regulatory community as the need for a sustainable drinking water supply is an important water management strategy in Florida.